Drivers at Keolis Ratify First Contract

This past November, 76 bus drivers at Keolis Transit America Inc. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida voted unanimously to become members of Teamsters Local 769. On Friday September 18, 2015 our new Teamsters brothers and sisters ratified their first contract. Among the list of improvements in their new collective bargaining agreement are improved seniority rights,  a new grievance and arbitration procedure, a guarantee of hours of work, just cause language relating to discipline, wage increase, and many more. "This contract will provide the workers the job security and respect that they deserve.", said Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent Eddy Valero. Workers at Keolis "are very…
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2015 Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship

Teamster parents work hard to provide for their children and funding for a good education is a concern for all who have children nearing the end of high school. The Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship fund is something all the children of Teamsters Local 769 members are eligible for and the following application form can be printed at home or requested from your stewards or business agents. All 2015 graduating seniors are eligible to apply. All Teamsters Local 769 members are welcome and encouraged to help support the event that helps fund our scholarships by attending our Annual Golf Tournament on October 10, 2015.
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Historic Moment for South Florida TNBC

A milestone event for the South Florida chapter of the TNBC and a historic moment for Teamsters Local 769 occurred this past weekend. On Sunday, May 24, 2015 the very first South Florida TNBC Executive Board was sworn in and we are proud to officially announce the "South Florida Teamsters Nation Black Caucus". At the 1971 Teamsters convention right here in Miami, a small group of black delegates, guests and friends attending the convention, met to discuss the lack of black participation in the convention. Since then, the TNBC serves to uphold the principles of the Teamsters’ movement and to…
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Victory for Dispatchers and Mechanics of Keolis Transit

Congratulation to our newest brothers and sisters! Today, May 6, 2015,  the Dispatchers and Mechanics of Keolis Transit America Inc. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida unanimous voted "YES" to join our Brothers and Sisters at Teamsters Local 769. The election was conducted by the National Labor relation Board. Six months earlier, on November 6, 2014, the Drivers at Keolis Transit voted to become Teamsters. The election was held by the National Labor Board and they were victorious. Today there are 76 Bus Drivers in the bargaining unit. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome the newest members to our local. Congratulation on…
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Support iPods for Wounded Veterans

Captain David Bourne to Walk for “iPods for Wounded Veterans” For a few years now, Teamsters Local 769 has been encouraging our members to support iPods for Wounded Veterans. Since 2014 our very own David Renshaw was named southern rep for the southeast United States for iPods for Wounded Veterans. The organization was founded by a Vietnam Veteran and a retired Teamster, and is currently working to provide iPods, iPads, eReaders and other materials to improve the quality of life for our wounded Veterans. They have also created a page that makes it easier than ever to get behind this great cause. …
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Decision on Airline Medical Grievances

Read the newest Mechanics Dispatch for details on the outcome of the second part of the Medical Grievance that dealt with our s-UAL Brothers! You may say to yourself, "so, what does that have to do with me as a s-CAL Member, we did not get a favorable decision to our grievance"? As all of you are aware, in mediation Medical Benefits are one of the bigger economic items in discussion. This decision secures the intent of the language on the s-UAL side and helps with our arguments to maintain benefit levels for everyone!!!  
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1st Annual Florida Shoot For A Cure

Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent John Sherman is a member of the Executive Committee that helped to put together this event benefitting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The goal of the event is to raise $20,000 this year. Please RSVP by May 20th, 2015 as this event will sell out. Date : Friday May 29, 2015 Location : Quail Creek Plantation, Okeechobee, FL  For more information, see the entry form/flyer below or call (925) 698-0719 Click HERE if you are unable to view or print the flyer.
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Latest Update on UAL Mediation

The following is an update on the UAL mediation. As you will see things did not go as planed which made for a very frustrating week. As everyone knows we have been reporting that the Company owed the Union a counter proposal, and once again the mediator has given them a pass. Please read the update in full for further details. If you are unable to view the document below, CLICK HERE. As always, for the latest news that affects members of Teamsters Local 769, follow us on any of our social media accounts or subscribe for updates using the…
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Air Canada Teamsters Ratify New Contract

Air Canada today announced it has received confirmation from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters representing the airline's U.S.-based workforce that a new collective agreement reached February 4, 2015 has been ratified. The new agreement is in effect until June 30, 2019. “We are pleased that our members at Air Canada have approved a strong contract that keeps their jobs secure and raises workplace standards at the airline,” said Capt. David Bourne, Director of the Teamsters Airline Division. “Our focus was to negotiate a contract worthy of our members’ hard work and dedication. That’s why we went back to the table…
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