Important Notice to All UPS and UPS Freight Members

Important Notice to All UPS and UPS Freight Members

There will be a referendum on whether to accept the proposed changes to the National Master United Parcel Service Agreement, Supplements and Riders. The referendum is being conducted by mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed to all eligible members on or about Tuesday, May 28, 2013. All ballots must be received at the designated post office box in Lantham, Maryland, by 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 20, 2013, to be counted. UPS and UPS Freight members of Local 769 who have not received a ballot by Thursday, June 6, 2013, should contact the Teamsters Local 769 Miami office at (305)642-6255 to…
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Teamsters helping out in Oklahoma City

Don't send water and don't send clothing to Oklahoma City if you want to help the victims of the deadly tornado. That's the advice of Teamsters working on the disaster relief effort. They're urging members to donate to the Teamsters Disaster Relief Fund, every cent of which will help people in need. (Click here to make a tax deductible contribution.) Oklahoma City officials are saying 12,000 houses were damaged or destroyed by the tornado, one of the worst in history. Teamster Local 886 President Ron Cobb said at least 12 Teamsters' homes were destroyed and 16 were damaged. We're still in the stages of…
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Details Released on ABF Tentative Agreement

Details were released on the Tentative Agreement reached with ABF at a meeting on May 20th in Chicago. Leaders from about 160Teamster local unions that represent ABF members unanimously approved the tentative master agreement and supplements. Below is the official contract update. If you would like to dowload a copy or are unable to view the page below, click here. The Full Master and Supplement Tentative Agreements are listed at the bottom of this post. ABF National Master Freight Agreement 2013-2018 Southern Region Supplements Southern Garage Southern Office Southern Over The Road Southern Pickup & Delivery
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Big Victory at Avis/Budget

Teamsters Local 769 is proud to announce another organizing victory. Yesterday an election was held for the Avis Budget Group at the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami Airports. Of the 132 total employees Teamsters received 82 votes. The IAM (Machinist) got 2 and the company got 2. This election was not even close. We are proud to welcome these new members to Local 769. Local 769 has organized over 300 new members in the past 30 days. Now it is off to get strong agreements for all of these new members. Strong election results such as this make that job easier.…
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Welcome to Our NEW Website!

Welcome to the new face of Teamsters Local 769 online. We have made many changes and have many more to come. You will notice links to Local 769's new social media pages. We are now on Facebook, twitter, google plus, tumblr and we have our own YouTube channel. More improvements such as this website being optimized for mobile devices and industry specific news updates on a regular basis are right around the corner. So bookmark us. Check back often. Everyone at Teamsters local 769 is committed to bringing you more news, more access, and helping this local mobilize it's members…
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UPS Tentative Agreement

  Leaders from Teamsters Local 769 and other Local Unions that represent UPS workers across the United States voted unanimously to endorse the tentative UPS national agreement, paving the way for ballots to be prepared and sent to members. Ballot packages will be mailed to all members at the end of May for ratification of the master agreement, and any supplements and
riders if applicable. Complete voting instructions will be included in the ballot package. Tentatively, ballots will start being counted on or about June 20. View the highlights of the Master Agreement and the complete Regional Supplement below.
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Monroe County Corrections Officers Ratify New Contract

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office corrections officers have ratified a new contract which includes a wage increase of 3% and vacation time will now be considered time worked. Monroe County corrections officers serve throughout the Florida Keys. The ratification vote was a landslide with a count of 73 "yes" votes to 3 "no". Business agent John Sherman also reported that accomplishments such as this are a direct result of members who stay active in their community as well as the Union.
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UPS Freight Local Union Leaders Unanimously Recommend Tentative Agreement For Ratification

Teamster Local 769 Union leaders and other Local leaders representing UPS Freight workers across the country unanimously endorsed the tentative national agreement today, clearing the way for ballots to be prepared and sent to members. General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall, who also serves as Package Division Director and Co-Chairman of the Teamsters UPS Freight National Negotiating Committee with General President Jim Hoffa, presented the changes contained in the tentative agreement to nearly 200 Local Union leaders. “This is a strong tentative agreement that does exactly what our members asked for, which is to take on subcontracting while increasing wages and pension…
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Teamsters, ABF Reach Tentative Contract Agreement

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters and ABF reached a tentative contract agreement, Gordon Sweeton, Co-Chairman of the Teamsters National ABF Negotiating Committee, announced today. No further details will be released until leaders from Teamster local unions that represent ABF members meet in the near future to review the tentative agreement and decide whether to endorse it. Once the upcoming meeting takes place, the union will release more information.  
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