Avis/Budget Employees WIN BIG!

Teamsters Local 769 would like to welcome our newest members from the Avis / Budget groups at the Miami and Fort Lauderdale Airport Locations. This encompasses both the Rental Representatives and the Customer Service Representatives at both locations.  The employees at these locations voted unanimously to ratify their first contract which officially makes them new Teamsters. It is a long-standing policy of Teamsters Local 769 to not collect dues from any group that has voted for Teamster representation until they ratify their first contract. This journey for these brave employees began almost one year ago (see story) and their strength and…
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1st AmeriGas CSR Contract

On March 10, 2015, the Customer Service Representatives at AmeriGas in Broward voted unanimously to ratify their very first contract. Back in November of 2014, the CSR's had voted for Teamster representation at the Broward County facility. The main reasons were that they were looking to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace and they were seeking the addition of the grievance procedure to ensure job security. Some of the employees working at this location have been employed for over 15 years. These brave workers become the first AmeriGas Customer Service Representatives to unionize and ratify their first contract in…
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Details Released on Air Canada Tentative Agreement

The following letter includes highlights of the Air Canada Tentative Agreement. Look for additional information in the coming weeks as it becomes available including ratification packages. Click here if you are unable to view the following document. As always, for the latest information related to brothers and sisters of Teamsters Local 769, subscribe to our website on the top left side of our homepage for updates.  
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St. Lucie County Contract Proposal Meeting

Blue Collar members at St. Lucie County will be holding a contract proposal meeting on Monday February 9th, 2015 at 4:30pm. The locatation of the meeting will be the International Longshoreman's Union Hall in Fort Pierce, FL. The contract with St. Lucie County is set to expire in the near future and an effort is being made to gather ideas and proposals from our members. This is one of the benefits of Union membership. Only members are allowed at this meeting and they play have the power to play a role in their future. We encourage all of out St.…
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Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreement with Air Canada

The following press release from the IBT is the latest news for our members at Air Canada. Click here if you are unable to view the following document. As always, subscribe to our website on the top left side of our homepage for the latest updates to this and all stories that relate to members of Teamsters Local 769.  
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Local 769 in the Community

Local 769 in the Community

Teamsters don't just fight for improvements or equality in the workplace, they are also active within their communities to make life a little better for all. A few years back, a program was started in Key West to collect food for those in need where the food collected would stay entirely within the Key West area. Thanks to the efforts of members and stewards from the City of Key West, Monroe County, UPS and Monroe County Sheriff's Office we received the following message of thanks for doing what Teamsters do. "Last year with the help of groups like the Teamsters, we were…
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D.R.I.V.E. is How We Fight!

You know why we fight, D.R.I.V.E. is how we fight. One of the biggest challenges faced by the modern working man or woman is political representation. All too often today, their elected officials are swayed by the financial power of corporations and their lobbyists and many elected representatives do a poor job standing up for the needs of the voters who put them in office. The Teamsters have been fighting for working people for decades. The Union has championed the cause of working people on the picket lines, at the negotiating table and through the creation of D.R.I.V.E. Big Business…
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Teamsters Local 769 Helps Saves Lives

On Saturday January 17, 2015, Teamsters Local 769 hosted its first ever CPR class at the Miami Union hall. Today's workplace is safer than ever thanks to Labor Unions, but in an age of increased productivity and automation the battle to keep the workplace safe goes on. Union members are the safest, most highly trained workers in their industries and having the correct training to respond to an emergency can sometimes be the difference between life and death. During the class, members received training on C.P.R., B.L.S. (basic life support) and A.E.D. Defibrillator training such as what to do when…
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Retiree Healthcare Solutions at Next Meeting

At the next Teamsters Local 769 Retiree Meeting on February 14, 2015, Jacqueline Birchenall, a licensed healthcare plan sales agent will be on hand to answer questions about affordable retirement healthcare plan options. She will be there to discuss prescription drug coverage, wellness programs, doctors office visits, hospital coverage and all aspects of retirement healthcare coverage options. ALL TEAMSTER RETIREES from ANY LOCAL that now live within the area represented by Teamsters Local 769 are welcome to attend and be a part of this event and the Teamsters Local 769 Retiree Committee. The Teamsters Local 769 Retiree Committee meets the…
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First TNBC Meeting Scheduled

Teamsters Local 769 would like to establish a Teamsters National Black Caucus Chapter in our local. As some of you are aware, the TNBC's first official gathering was in Miami in 1971. The goal of the meeting was to bring about change and to educate. If you are interested in learning more about the caucus and becoming a member, please attend this preliminary meeting. Information about the activities of the chapter will be discussed and guest speakers will be on hand to answer questions. If you would like more information on the TNBC, you can visit their website by following…
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