Proven Path to Victory

Proven Path to Victory

Main Story: Business Agent Andy Madtes joins us to discuss the City of Fort Lauderdale's current status and potential threats to working families during the current legislative session in Tallahassee. Story 2: Teamsters Local 769 Secretary-Treasurer and Business Agent Steve Myers breaks down the state of negotiations at Sysco and UNFI, along with an update on our Public Sector units. Teamsters remain undefeated despite legislative attacks. Stick around until the end for news about a big VICTORY in the show's closing minutes. Special Thanks: Steve Myers and Andy Madtes Closing Credits: Show produced by the Officers and Staff of Teamsters…
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The Amazon Union Threat

The Amazon Union Threat

News: Indian River County contract ratification, Teamsters Local 769 Picnics, RLA steward training, TLU769 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament, and an organizing victory for maintenance workers at DHL Express. Promo: Teamster Privilege Benefits Main Story: Excerpts from the 2022 Local 769 Steward Seminar featuring details on the threat of Amazon and its impact on Union members. Promo: Teamsters Local 769 Smartphone App Closing Credits: Show produced by the Officers and Staff of Teamsters Local 769, including Josh Zivalich, Roly Pina, and Steve Myers, with contributions by Local 769 Business Agents. The episode was written and produced by Bryan Bezpiaty. Music in…
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The Summer of 22 – Special Update

The Summer of 22 – Special Update

News: Numerous contract ratifications including Avis, CEMEX, Freshpoint, IMEX, and more. Stewards gather for Training Seminar and UPS members conduct a Day of Action Promo: Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship Fund Main Story: An interview with Airline Agent Tommy Esposito and MCO Chief Steward Paul Becerra who provide a local update for United Airlines members and how to get connected to good information heading into negotiations.  Promo: Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament Special Thanks to Tommy Esposito, Paul Becerra, Luis Cruz, and Randy Launderville
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South Florida Freshpoint Teamsters Ratify NEW 4-Year Contract

South Florida Freshpoint Teamsters Ratify NEW 4-Year Contract

On Saturday, May 14, 2022, Teamsters at Freshpoint in Pompano Beach, Florida, ratified a new 4-year contract which includes significant wage improvements, increased number of personal days, Martin Luther King Holiday, and improved discipline language. Members at Freshpoint fought to join the Teamsters back in 2016, and this agreement is the second contract these workers will enjoy since demanding representation. Teamsters Local 769 has grown accustomed to negotiating with Sysco, the parent company of Freshpoint since we represent nearly all Sysco employees within our Local Union's jurisdiction. Freshpoint's first contract was a hard-fought battle, and this agreement was no different.…
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Sysco Warehouse Workers & Drivers Ratify First Contracts

Sysco Warehouse Workers & Drivers Ratify First Contracts

In a near unanimous vote, our Teamsters Local 769 brothers and sisters at Sysco in Miami have ratified their first contracts. Despite the challenging climate posed by coronavirus closures, the one-year agreements include important protections for workers: just cause language, layoff and recall rights for furloughed workers, as well as seniority and wage protections for the warehouse workers and drivers. "Given the terrible situation facing these workers and the country as a whole, this contract is important because of the layoff language and recall rights," said Josh Zivalich, Local 769 President. "The workers recognized this with the near unanimous approval."…
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Multiple Victories – Summer Update #3

H.R. 397 passes in the House and another big win at Sysco in Miami. UPS and UPS Freight contracts published, the results of the TNBC Back-to-School Drive and the first meeting of the Teamsters Local 769 Women’s Committee.  2019 Golf Tournament on Oct. 19, 2019 - find the 2019 registration form at A conversation with Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent Dan Vera about the organizing victory for warehouse workers at Sysco in Miami. The Teamsters Local 769 Annual South Picnic on Nov. 2, 2019 Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent Andy Madtes gives an update on a resolution for…
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Miami Sysco Warehouse Workers Choose Teamster Representation

Continuing Our Organizing Sweep of Florida Sysco Distribution Centers Sysco workers notched another union election victory on Thursday August 8, 2019 after 130 warehouse workers voted for Teamsters Local 769 representation. The workers join 132 drivers at Sysco South Florida who won their election to join our union in February. Travis McCrea, 35, a forklift put-away worker, said increasing insurance costs and the company’s two year anti-union campaign in the warehouse drove him and his co-workers to victory. “Every year Sysco increase the insurance, but they don’t increase the wages. I was tired of the promises to fix things. I…
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Sysco Teamsters Stand Together On April 24, 2019 Miami Sysco workers stood strong against bad behavior by Sysco. Workers around the nation sent a clear message to Sysco that Teamsters Stand Together! For the latest news and updates about all things related to Teamsters in South Florida, subscribe to any of our social media pages or add your name to our mailing list using the subscribe tool on the left sidebar. Check out the NEW Teamsters Local 769 Solidarity Podcast as well.
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Sysco Miami Drivers Vote to Join Teamsters Local 769

All workers want respect, fair pay and affordable health care. These are the reasons that drivers at Sysco South Florida in Medley,FL have voted to join Teamsters Local 769 and the second organizing victory in less than three weeks at Sysco for the Teamsters. The vote count was 100-25 in favor of joining the union and there are 132 drivers in the bargaining unit. Sysco South Florida workers chose Teamster representation because they want a fair transparent pay system and a legally-binding contract that protects their wages, better working conditions and seniority rights. “The company needs to stop messing with…
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