I.R.C.S.O. Lieutenants Ratify First Contract!

The Lieutenants at the Indian River County Sheriff's Office ratified their first ever collective bargaining agreement which guarantees a 3% wage increase for the first year of the contract. The Lieutenants at the Sheriff's Office only recently voted to join the Teamsters and according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, overall crime in the county dropped 4.3% in 2012 from the year before so the pay increase is well deserved. Local 769 Business Agent Steve Myers negotiated the agreement and he and everyone here at Local 769 would like to say congratulations IRC Lieutenants on being rewarded for your hard…
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Local 769 Stewards Attend “Go-Team” Training

On October 21st and 22nd, members of Local 769 attended the NTSB Accident "Go-Team" training the IBT/Airline Division hosted last week at Local 19 in Houston for Aircraft Technicians. Our Local had 4  Stewards attend, Chief Steward Brian Wooley, & Stewards Gary Kagel, Scott Lyons & Winnie Tolentino. As part of the TAMC ongoing commitment to Aviation Safety, the two day training also included the Blood-borne Pathogen training required to be on site as a party to an investigation. The training was provided by John Goglia, former NTSB Investigator and Enjoli DeGrasse from IBT Health and Safety.  
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HRC Call to Action

Come Welcome Home Our Heroes This Sunday It has been brought to the attentions of Local 769 that a group of World War II veterans are coming back from Washington DC this weekend. We would like to place a call to action for Teamster members and their families & friends to come out to show their support for these brave folks and give them a warm welcome home from their trip. Date: Sunday October 27 2013 Location: Ft Lauderdale airport Flight: UsAir 1947 Terminal 3 concourse E Time: 835 PM American Flags (made in USA) will be provided to those who…
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Pipeline Website Launch!

John Sherman, Business Agent at Local 769, was appointed as a trustee of the Teamsters National Pipeline Trust and Training Fund by International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa. A website has been established for Teamster Union members to obtain more information about pipeline projects, where to receive training, to post your resume, and to find work listed by state. www.TeamstersPipeline.com For more information you can also contact John Sherman at the Broward office at (954)941-3343 or submit a message using the contact form on his webpage. [embedsite src="http://www.teamsterspipeline.com" width="100%" height="800"]
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3 Year Deal for IRC Blue Collar

3 Year Deal for IRC Blue Collar

The Indian River County Blue Collar Unit, which encompasses parks department, utilities, life guards, building maintenance, road and bridge employees and more, ratified a new 3 year contract on October 1st, 2013. The new contract guarantees an 8% wage increase over 3 years with a reopen for cost of living increases for the 2nd and 3rd year of the agreement. Business agent Steve Meyers says, "Congratulations to our Indian River County members, the pay increase is well deserved and overdue." The new contract was ratified by 95% of the bargaining unit and shows what can be accomplished when workers unite.…
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CAL/UAL Update

The following is the most current "Mechanics Dispatch" with the CAL/UAL negotiations update! The next round of negotiations will be held in Chicago the week of November 4, 2013. Keep checking back here for all of the latest information or enter your email address into the subscribe box on the left side of the home page to be emailed whenever news related to members of Local 769 is released. [embedsite src="http://teamsterair.org/node/618" width="100%" height="900"]  
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Golf Tournament Repeat

Everyone is a winner at this years Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament. It was a win for everyone involved at the 2013 Teamsters Local 769 Golf Tournament which was held this past weekend, on October 5th, 2013. The weather was beautiful and the scores turned in by the teams proved that it was a great day for golf. The Palm-Aire Country Club served as hosts again for this years event and their Oaks course was truly enjoyable to play. This is a rare type of occasion where management an bargaining unit members get to play together to support a common cause.…
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