BIG Contract News and Hurricane Relief

September news from the General Membership Meeting-Thanks for helping H.R. 397 pass in the House, Supporting the CWA strike, Hurricane Dorian relief efforts and a report from the 2019 Teamsters Annual Women’s Conference. Find our2019 Golf Tournament registration form at Main Story: A conversation with Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent Andy Madtes about the recent Tentative Agreement at the City of Fort Lauderdale. Follow this link for details on an Informational Meeting and FRS Seminar for ALL City of Fort Lauderdale employees.  Find the 2019TLU769 Scholarship Fund Application at Thanks to David Renshaw, Andy Madtes and Yvette Dawson.
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769 Helps Student Organize Relief for the Bahamas

Teamsters Local 769 partnered with the IBT Human Rights Commission, UPS and others to help a 15 year old Miami Art Studio High School student organize relief for Hurricane Dorian survivors in the Bahamas. On Friday September 13, 2019, Steven Ferreiro, a sophomore student at Miami Art Studio, hosted a hurricane relief collection drive at UPS Air Cargo in Miami. Supplies and necessities needed in Bahamian Communities such as toiletries, non-perishable foods, water, and more were collected and prepared to be sent via UPS Air Cargo. On September 14th, a UPS Airlines Boeing 767 flew from Miami to Nassau carrying…
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Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreement with Air Canada

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has reached a tentative agreement with Air Canada, the largest passenger carrier in Canada. The proposed contract covers over 700 customer service representatives, reservation assistants, air cargo workers and other employees at the company's U.S. base of operations. "These workers were engaged and united throughout the process of collective bargaining, and their hard work paid off," said Capt. David Bourne, Director of the Teamsters Airline Division. "They earned every benefit in this contract through their commitment and dedication." "Thanks to diligent efforts of our negotiating committee, we were able to draft a collective bargaining agreement…
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Miami Sysco Warehouse Workers Choose Teamster Representation

Continuing Our Organizing Sweep of Florida Sysco Distribution Centers Sysco workers notched another union election victory on Thursday August 8, 2019 after 130 warehouse workers voted for Teamsters Local 769 representation. The workers join 132 drivers at Sysco South Florida who won their election to join our union in February. Travis McCrea, 35, a forklift put-away worker, said increasing insurance costs and the company’s two year anti-union campaign in the warehouse drove him and his co-workers to victory. “Every year Sysco increase the insurance, but they don’t increase the wages. I was tired of the promises to fix things. I…
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The Pension CRISIS

If you are not helping...Why? In this Special Episode, Josh Zivalich helps break down the current status of the pension crisis and explains the efforts to rescue Union pensions as well as what every Teamster must do to help. Pension saving legislation H.R. 397 is headed for a debate & vote in front of the full House of Representatives this week and YOU need to contact your representatives and demand their support. Call 888-979-9806 NOW and you will be put in touch with the offices of your elected representatives. Let Congress know you support H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation of Multiemployer…
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UPS Retro Check & Summer Update #1

News from the 2019 Teamsters Local 769 Steward Seminar and a clip from Josh Zivalich as well as the XPO National Day of Action. 2019 Golf Tournament registration form available at Mike Cortez provides a UPS Retro Check Update - Expected time of arrival, how to handle a shortage and the steps to follow to receive penalty pay when applicable. UPS National Master Contract - Article 17 For the Form to apply for the TLU769 Scholarship for 2019 applicants visit
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Registration has Begun for the 2019 TLU769 Golf Tournament

Get ready to swing some clubs with your fellow Teamsters! Registration is now open for the 2019 Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament. Shop stewards have been mailed registration forms and you can download and print your own below. We'll be returning once again to the Palm Aire County Club in Pompano Beach Florida on October 19, 2019 with a continental breakfast at 6:30 am and a 7:30 am tee time. After the tournament there will be an Italian buffet lunch and prizes awarded for closest to the pin on all par 3's, straightest drive, and a putting contest…
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UNITED AIRLINES Shop Steward Training

Teamsters Local 769 President Josh Zivalich addresses the class. On Wednesday June 5, 2019, in Orlando Florida, an Advanced Shop Steward Training Course was conducted by Iliana Flores from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Training and Development Dept. along with Special Guests, Attorney Josh Mcinerney and Attorney Richard Edelman. The day started at 9:00am with an introductory message to all the stewards from President and Principal Officer Josh Zivalich ,who was followed by Secretary Treasurer Roly Piña. Roly thanked all the stewards for their attendance and dedication and then gave a reading of the Locals’ current financial report from May’s…
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2019 Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship

Teamster parents work hard to provide for their children and funding for a good education is a concern for all who have children nearing the end of high school. The Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship fund is something all the children of Teamsters Local 769 members are eligible for and the following application form can be printed at home or requested from your stewards or business agents. All 2019 graduating seniors are eligible to apply. We hope you’ll join us in supporting a bright future for Teamster children and support the TLU769 Scholarship Fund. Please spread the word about the Scholarship Fund to all of…
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Workers Across the Globe Stand Up to XPO’s Illegal Abuses On Thursday, May 30th 2019, workers at a XPO Logistics, Inc. warehouse in North Haven, Connecticut went on strike over the company's unfair labor practices. They are fighting to end the illegal abuses and manipulation from XPO! While the workers formed a picket line outside the warehouse before sunrise on May 30, other XPO truck drivers, warehouse workers and intermodal drivers in Miami Florida and across the country have begun a global day of protests and informational leaflets at hundreds of company facilities. The coordinated actions are showing that workers are united in standing up for fair pay, benefits…
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