Proven Path to Victory

Proven Path to Victory

Main Story: Business Agent Andy Madtes joins us to discuss the City of Fort Lauderdale's current status and potential threats to working families during the current legislative session in Tallahassee. Story 2: Teamsters Local 769 Secretary-Treasurer and Business Agent Steve Myers breaks down the state of negotiations at Sysco and UNFI, along with an update on our Public Sector units. Teamsters remain undefeated despite legislative attacks. Stick around until the end for news about a big VICTORY in the show's closing minutes. Special Thanks: Steve Myers and Andy Madtes Closing Credits: Show produced by the Officers and Staff of Teamsters…
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769 Teamsters Still Hard at Work

769 Teamsters Still Hard at Work

Teamsters Local 769 members and staff have been hard at work, even during all of the restrictions and closures due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Information has been pouring in from many of our employers, affiliates, and benefit plans, and while many of our members are busy delivering goods and services or dealing with restrictions and closures, we have been negotiating special protections for our members. We have received many calls with requests for more information and everyone wants answers. If you want to keep up to date on happenings in your workplace or how your industry is being impacted…
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UPS Peak Season & Special Events

News - City of Fort Lauderdale & Air Canada ratify NEW contracts, Peak Season at UPS began on October 15th, Teamsters stay involved in the 2020 Presidential Elections and news from our 2019 Annual Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament. South Picnic November 2nd, 2019 Main Story - Mike Cortez sits down with us to discuss the purpose of the UPS Peak Season Agreement and some of it’s highlights. Find the full agreement here - TLU769 Scholarship Fund find the 2019 Application at
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City of Fort Lauderdale Contract Ratified

Congratulations to all City of Fort Lauderdale employees who ratified a new 3 year contract on Thursday, October 10, 2019. Voting took place at four locations throughout the city and many city workers turned out to show strong support for the new agreement voting 481 'yes' to 43 'no'. Highlights include a pension plan for employees that did not previously have one and as much as 13% increase in pay over 3 years. In addition, the Union now has a seat on the healthcare board and the city will increased contributions to healthcare with caps on member cost. Other contract…
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City of Fort Lauderdale Contract Ratification VOTE

Times and Locations Please be advised that a contract ratification vote has been schedule for City of Fort Lauderdale employees on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at the following times and locations. City HallBreak Room9:00 am - 12:00 pm___________________________________Mills PondAssembly Hall9:00 am - 4:00 pm___________________________________Parks and RecreationBulk Trash Meeting Room9:00 am - 4:00 pm38th Street Utilities CompoundSmall Conference Room, 2nd Floor9:00 am - 4:00 pm It is necessary for you to bring at least one form of identification in order to vote. This is open to members and non-members. Please make every effort to attend this very important ratification vote.
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BIG Contract News and Hurricane Relief

September news from the General Membership Meeting-Thanks for helping H.R. 397 pass in the House, Supporting the CWA strike, Hurricane Dorian relief efforts and a report from the 2019 Teamsters Annual Women’s Conference. Find our2019 Golf Tournament registration form at Main Story: A conversation with Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent Andy Madtes about the recent Tentative Agreement at the City of Fort Lauderdale. Follow this link for details on an Informational Meeting and FRS Seminar for ALL City of Fort Lauderdale employees.  Find the 2019TLU769 Scholarship Fund Application at Thanks to David Renshaw, Andy Madtes and Yvette Dawson.
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Tentative Agreement Reached with City of Fort Lauderdale

Teamsters Local 769 and the City of Fort Lauderdale have reached a Tentative Agreement. Highlights of the 3 year deal are listed below. Upon ratification, this agreement will cover through September 30, 2022. Increased contributions to healthcare and caps on member cost. The Union NOW has a seat on the healthcare board.As much as a 13% pay increase over 3 years and most top pay rates have increased. Wages are now 2.3% over the National Average.Stronger contract language in many articles including promoting from within, holiday pay, funeral leave and sick time.A pension for workers who previously did not have…
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Meet NEW Agents & Public Sector Update

In this episode of the Solidarity Podcast we meet two of the newest members of the Teamsters Local 769 staff. Andy Madtes and Dan Vera take a few minutes to talk a little about their experience in the labor movement and their journey to Local 769. Then we sit down with Andy Madtes to talk Public Sector. Andy gives a full run down on the City of Fort Lauderdale as well as a status update on Lauderhill, the City of Miami Gardens and Florida City. In our first Solidarity Podcast Call to Action, we explain why ALL Union members should…
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City of Fort Lauderdale Ratify New Contract

Teamsters Local 769 members at the City of Fort Lauderdale ratified their new contract by a margin of 402 yes to 22 no votes. Teamsters Local 769 Business Agent John Sherman would like to Thank the following stewards for their time and effort with negotiations and the ratification vote. Pictured above are Sal Viscusi, Erica Chambers, and Richard Harding as well as Danny Ojito and Frank Garafalo who are not pictured. "I would like to thank the Fort Lauderdale committee on such a great job.", said John Sherman. Teamsters Local 769 would like to congratulate all of the members at…
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