Donations for Our Fallen UPS Brother

Donations for Our Fallen UPS Brother

Teamsters Local 769 is overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for the family of Teamster Brother Frank Ordonez, the UPS driver who was killed during the tragic events on December 5, 2019 which left two victims dead after a failed robbery and carjacking. The solidarity on display both online and through direct calls to the union has been nothing short of inspiring during such a heartbreaking moment in time. Teamsters Local 769 has been asked for details on how people can donate to help the family of Brother Ordonez and we are working to ensure the proper disbursement of those…
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Tragic Shooting of UPS Driver in Miami

The following statement from Teamsters Local 769 is in regard to the tragic shooting of a UPS driver in Miami today. "It is with a heavy heart that I write this statement this evening. We are heartbroken by the tragic events from earlier today regarding one of our Teamsters Local 769 members (UPS Driver), who was carjacked while doing his job. He was ultimately victimized in a shootout after a lengthy police pursuit with the carjackers. The cowardly actions of the criminals involved that chose to kidnap this hard working young man to give themselves some type of "cover" or…
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2019 Teamsters Local 769 Toy Drive

While you are out holiday shopping this season, remember to pick up and extra toy for those less fortunate. Teamsters Local 769 will again be collecting toys for children in need this year and we will be distributing those collected through programs in Dade, Broward, Monroe and Palm Beach Counties. The following flyer can be posted on Teamsters Local 769 approved job site bulletin boards and distributed to all members. Since toys are being split to multiple areas, please encourage all of your brothers and sisters to participate. Help make this year’s Toy Drive the biggest ever. Toys should be…
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Health Fair a Big Hit at Annual South Picnic On Saturday November 2, 2019, Teamsters Local 769 held it's annual member appreciation South Picnic at Markham Park in Fort Lauderdale. Teamsters came from all over South Florida on a hot but beautiful sunny day, to enjoy the great food and fun that our picnic has become famous for. There were however, a couple new featured attractions at this years event that really had people lining up. The first was a Teamcare Health-Fair tent that was providing vaccinations for the flu, shingles, measles as well as B12 shots. Many took advantage of the FREE wellness services provided for their…
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Indian River Hospital Ratifies NEW 2 Year Contract

On Wednesday October 23, 2019, Teamsters at the Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital ratified a new 2 year contract voting 98% to approve. Teamsters Local 769 is the bargaining unit representative for nurses at the hospital and they made numerous gains in this upcoming contract term. In addition to gains in wages, workers beat back a proposal to reduce the hospitals contribution to the Union Health Insurance Plan by one-half and will maintain at the current premium contribution rate. An additional Union Health Insurance Plan with reduced costs that includes dental, vision, short-term disability, life and retiree benefits is also…
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UPS Peak Season & Special Events

News - City of Fort Lauderdale & Air Canada ratify NEW contracts, Peak Season at UPS began on October 15th, Teamsters stay involved in the 2020 Presidential Elections and news from our 2019 Annual Teamsters Local 769 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament. South Picnic November 2nd, 2019 Main Story - Mike Cortez sits down with us to discuss the purpose of the UPS Peak Season Agreement and some of it’s highlights. Find the full agreement here - TLU769 Scholarship Fund find the 2019 Application at
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City of Fort Lauderdale Contract Ratified

Congratulations to all City of Fort Lauderdale employees who ratified a new 3 year contract on Thursday, October 10, 2019. Voting took place at four locations throughout the city and many city workers turned out to show strong support for the new agreement voting 481 'yes' to 43 'no'. Highlights include a pension plan for employees that did not previously have one and as much as 13% increase in pay over 3 years. In addition, the Union now has a seat on the healthcare board and the city will increased contributions to healthcare with caps on member cost. Other contract…
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City of Fort Lauderdale Contract Ratification VOTE

Times and Locations Please be advised that a contract ratification vote has been schedule for City of Fort Lauderdale employees on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at the following times and locations. City HallBreak Room9:00 am - 12:00 pm___________________________________Mills PondAssembly Hall9:00 am - 4:00 pm___________________________________Parks and RecreationBulk Trash Meeting Room9:00 am - 4:00 pm38th Street Utilities CompoundSmall Conference Room, 2nd Floor9:00 am - 4:00 pm It is necessary for you to bring at least one form of identification in order to vote. This is open to members and non-members. Please make every effort to attend this very important ratification vote.
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2019 UPS Peak Season Agreement & Change of Operations Notice

The following document applies to all Teamsters Local 769 UPS members for peak season operations in 2019. Also attached are the details regarding a change of operations at the Miami & Hialeah UPS facilities as well as the West Palm and Deerfield UPS facilities. If you are unable to view or print the following document, click here. As always, for the latest news related to UPS members of Teamsters Local 769, follow us on social media or subscribe for updates on our website.
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