
Two Teamster Contracts Ratified in One Day

Sysco W. Palm Beach Fleet Maintenance Workers and Pompano Beach Fresh Point Drivers Ratify Agreements, Expand Bargaining Power in Florida

Teamsters expanded their footprint this week in Florida when 110 Fresh Point Drivers and eight Sysco Southeast Florida mechanics ratified first contracts as members of Teamsters Local 769. They join 93 Sysco Southeast Florida drivers who ratified the first union contract in the state in April 2017.

Both first agreements provide significant wage increases, strong grievance procedures and job security for members who faced management threats of facility closure, job losses and other reprisals when they first sought union representation. Sysco is under federal investigation for hundreds of alleged labor law violations in 10 states, including Florida.

“I’ve worked for 10 years with no raises, so this contract is very good news for us,” said Danielle West, a 10-year Sysco Fresh Point driver. “The vacation pay and money for things like our boots is important, too. This why we organized–to have job security and protection. They can’t just fire us for no reason. Go Teamsters all the way!”

Travis Bouie, fleet mechanic at Sysco Southeast Florida, is the father of three-week-old Olivia. This contract, he said, will allow him to give her a brighter future and is “about our families.”

“Sysco’s number one position in the nation’s broadline foodservice industry is built on the backs of its workers,” said Josh Zivalich, Teamsters Local 769 President. “This company’s profits come from the men and women who put in 12-14 hour shifts, six days a week, year after year. These new members fought hard for a contract that provides the respect they deserve. We are happy to welcome them to Local 769.”

Teamsters represent 8,576 Sysco members under 62 collective bargaining agreements at 47 facilities in the U.S. and Canada.

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