As your Local Union, we have recognized the tremendous volume increases at UPS, and we acknowledge the long weeks and hours each one of you have been working. As a Company, UPS has a unique situation in these uncertain times – much more work than they planned for. All facilities under our jurisdiction have experienced “Peak Season” levels with no end in sight. This is not a problem that is limited in scope to South Florida, indeed it is national. The staffing levels at these buildings has led to a struggle to meet the demand of the sheer number of packages currently being processed.
Due to the collective efforts of your Shop Stewards and Business Agents, we have been able to move UPS to increase the hiring throughout all locations and shifts. Through meetings, communications, and the grievance procedure, new part-time and full-time hires are to increase. Here are some current numbers of full-time jobs being put into place as of 8/28/2020.
South Division: Ft. Lauderdale South – 19 Ft. Lauderdale East – 14 Hollywood – 10 Homestead – 21 | Hialeah Division: Hialeah Metro – 18 Hialeah East – 22 Hialeah West – 29 |
Miami: Miami Central – 17 | Doral: Doral South – 12 Doral North – 7 |
WPBH: West Palm Beach Metro – 15 Jupiter – 15 | Deerfield: South – 14 North – 10 |
More full-time drivers have been able to advance to Feeder positions and that opens additional opportunities for part-timers to move into full-time positions. The 9.5 Protections and 8-Hour Request language are still available for RCPD’s (Regular Package Car Drivers). Despite rumors, this has not changed due to COVID-19. Paid for break time for part-time employees has improved as well. They can be entitled to an additional break if worked more than 6 hours.
The situation is slowly improving, but UPS is a long way from meeting all of the challenges these volume levels have presented. The number of vehicles, such as Package Cars and Feeders, are far below their daily needs. All of these are contributing factors. Still, we are confident that the additional staff will reduce the frequency of long days and sixth reports. We will keep you updated as we progress on these issues. This Local Union is committed to our members and will continue to give the best representation available. Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In Unity, there is Strength!

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