Teamsters Local 769 members and staff have been hard at work, even during all of the restrictions and closures due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
Information has been pouring in from many of our employers, affiliates, and benefit plans, and while many of our members are busy delivering goods and services or dealing with restrictions and closures, we have been negotiating special protections for our members.
We have received many calls with requests for more information and everyone wants answers. If you want to keep up to date on happenings in your workplace or how your industry is being impacted by the current crisis, please visit the webpage that we have created specifically for this situation at . We also urge all of our members to download our NEW Teamsters Local 769 smartphone app. You will find links at the bottom of the page.
Also, check out the pictures below of Teamster members from AMR & Medics who have been hard at work, helping throughout our communities, and please continue to educate yourself on health & safety recommendations.
Remember, knowledge is power.

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