Attention YRC all members!
Teamsters Local 769 fully supports the YRC Tentative Agreement to be put forth before the membership for their voices to be heard. The following is a brief summary of some of the improvements and details on when to expect ballots. Links to additional information are also included. If you have any additional questions , please contact our offices at (305)642-6255.
The tentative agreement contains numerous improvements, including:
- $4.00 in wage increases over five years for the vast majority of workers (an 18% increase for most drivers and dockworkers) including a $1.00 wage increase retroactive to April 1, 2019 (a 4.5% increase for most drivers and dockworkers);
- Significant increases for dock-only, clerical, maintenance employees, janitors, and portershired after February 2014 including a minimum of an immediate $1.00 wage increase retroactive to April 1, 2019;
- Restoration of the week of vacation that was given up (in other words, employees otherwise entitled to four, five and six weeks of vacation) effective April 1, 2019. This will require the three companies to restore approximately 14,000 additional weeks of vacation every year;
- Protection of health and welfare benefits with no employee premium co-pays. Up to $0.50 per hour increases each year for most funds. The company agreed to provide other funds with fixed guaranteed amounts to maintain benefits;
- Improved language to curb excessive executive bonuses; and
- Prohibitions against using driverless trucks.
(Click here or a longer list of improvements. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.)
On or about April 19, members will be mailed voting information. The vote will be by secret ballot as it always has been, but this time members will vote via the internet or phone.
The vote will be conducted through the BallotPoint Election Services voting system. In the packet being mailed, members will find the agreement and a summary of the highlights including questions and answers. But instead of a paper ballot, members will find an individual access code and simple instructions on how to use the access code to vote by telephone or internet.
The Teamsters Union has used BallotPoint extensively over the past four years to conduct contract ratifications, including the recent ABF Freight, UPS, UPS Freight and Costco elections. All of the ratifications were conducted without incident or challenges.
Votes will be counted on or about May 3
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