Show your Union spirit!
Local 769 Votes CHALLENGE! Print this flyer as a full page and take a picture of yourself dressed for work or at work holding it (ON YOUR BREAK TIME-of course). Post to your wall and use hashtag #Local769Votes in the post so we can see. Each week until election day, 1 random member will be chosen and featured on our website.
The goal is to show elected officials, your co-workers, as well as friends and family that you are a proud Union member and you vote pro-labor. So get involved. Show your Teamsters Local 769 Pride and GET OUT THE VOTE!
Click to access Local769Votes.pdf
Challenge rules: Inappropriate images and distasteful photos will be reported as per respective social media procedures and will not be considered a valid entry to be featured on our website. Only one member per week will be randomly chosen from those participants that follow the above instructions and drawings will occur on Saturday for the week prior. The selected person will be contacted through whichever social media source that they posted their picture. Only images containing provided flyer will be considered valid and altering the flyer will invalidate entry. At this time the only qualifying sources for entry are Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.