
Candidates Who Stand with Labor

Below is a list of candidates endorsed by Teamsters Local 769 in the upcoming Elections on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

You may print as many copies for distribution as you like and we encourage you to make a plan for election day or to vote early if possible. Most South Florida counties begin early voting this Monday, October 22, 2018.

There are candidates both Republican and Democrat who have pledged to take our side on issues important to our brothers and sisters in this union, and we encourage you to cast your vote for a candidate who will stand with Labor. All polling locations permit you to take a “cheat sheet” and we hope you will take our’s to the polls when you go to vote.

Be proud to be Union and stand with Labor and as always, contact our of office if you have any other questions or concerns. Remember to subscribe to out website or any of our social media accounts for the latest news and information related to members of Teamsters Local 769.

Click to access 2018TLU769endoresements.pdf

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